Starting the week strong

Woohoo TGIM! It’s Monday - let’s go! The week is off to a a great start because I did a morning stretch for 15-20 mins (while watching a favorite YouTuber video). It seems small to do some morning stretches but after a week or so of not working out or stretching near as much as I know I like too, this feels great.

Mantras are very much just self-talk. I like to think of them as our go-to self-talk that have CHOSEN. This morning, a few mantras that came to mind and I chose to move with were:

  • I got this. Let’s start strong!

  • Do it now. It will feel good.

  • Small yet mighty. Even just stretching will set our energy in the direction we want for the week.

I’m finding myself more and more aware of how complex our mind, emotions and energy are. There is no need to beat ourselves up for not doing what seems simple. Our ingrained ways are more complex that we allow ourselves to acknowledge a lot of the time. So use small tricks to nudge ourselves in the direction we want to go and let the snowball pick up momentum, bit by bit. I’m choosing to do small steps today that set a great week in motion. :)