Learning by doing

20 weekly notes! It feels good to accomplish this ‘action’ goal. Setting out to write a weekly note had multiple reasons with practice being a central one. Practice writing and sharing. I’ve worked 1:1 in sessions with entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs-to-be for the past few years which has been amazing. It’s reinforced to me a need that is there. A need for putting ideas into action. I want to support more and more people but more and more clients is not the answer for me.

So I set out to create other ways of support. Moving from one form (in-person) to another (written form) requires learning. I’ve had a few frustrating days of writing. But they are short lived. It still feels like practice more than accomplishment many days. And that’s ok too. I can see real progress. Progress that would not have come just by reading, taking a course or speaking with expert. There is a time for doing. Doing to learn.

This weekly note was what kicked it all off. It’s simple yet effective for practicing writing and sharing in a new form. So today and this week, I’m celebrating the commitment I made to practicing to learn and grow. I hope that you see the progress you are making this week on a goal and enjoy the practice : )