It’s my birthday! I like to use my birthday as a time for setting goals that feel like a new me…without throwing out the old me.
I have moments of hesitation around setting goals because of past missteps, missed goals and obstacles that I didn’t overcome. It can easily roll into doubt, shame and uncertainty…until you hit a point when you think AND know that’s enough! And then it’s like you shake your head ‘no’ and leap into action.
Have you been there?
It’s great to breakthrough in that moment to take action. It feels amazing! It feels confident, light, decisive, agile, free and powerful.
How do we get to that moment sooner?…and with less of the negative, yucky feelings…
That’s exciting to me! Going beyond achieving goals, to growing at the process of achieving of goals. Who I am while achieving goals. As I look at my goals for the next year and think of who I want to be, setting a development goal like this will help across goals and span all future years. This goal is to a) research consistently to learn from experts, b) bring more mindfulness to when it’s happening in my own life and c) lean in to bite-sized, experiments to shift my growth.
It’s not about throwing out the old me or feeling bad about history. Leaning into me 2.0…3.0…37.0…is about growing how I go after goals as I grow into the new me.