Is your business:

  • 5-10 years old

  • Over $1M in revenue per year

  • 15+ team members

  • Team of delivery and support staff

  • Growing to new offerings, new markets or new locations

You have tried:

  • New software

  • New roles

  • Topic-focused courses

  • Leadership development and coaching

  • & More

You love your team.

But you need less time managing

And more time for strategy, new offerings, enjoying the entrepreneur life and more.

Something needs to change…


I’m Megan, this is MWC & we’re here to help!

You started your business with passion, incredible amounts of hard work and a vision for what could be achieved. You have accomplished so much already. Your team has expanded year by year, person by person.

You have tried new software, new roles, functional-specific courses and more to change step-change how the team shows up. They are enthusiastic and committed. More is needed for this next stage of growth.

After 5-10 years, your business is consistently delivering over a million dollars in sales, and your team is 15+ people across your core service delivery and your head office support team. And growing!

You have crossed a threshold where you need new systems for supporting your people and to reset your role in the business.


As teams grow, the processes, frameworks, templates, etc. that they use need to grow with them.

Before you invest in a new software, invest in new ways of the team working together.

Reset how your team shows up and works together with one of our programs that provide the systems to bring it all together.

“Megan takes all your crazy ideas and visions,
and reorganizes those thoughts into actions. She is reliable and consistent in what she delivers.

Both myself and my entire team have benefited from her strategic templates, helping us all become successful in our goals.

Every task or process she teaches you will have both an immediate and long term result that you can see straight away!”
— Jennifer, Entrepreneur with 20+ team members, 3 locations and energized for growth !

Is fit important to you?

Megan knows how important fit is on a team and with her clients.

MWC continues to grow with a commitment to fit.

Fit for you and fit for us.

If that is important to you, you are in the right place.

We want to work with the right leaders to propel their team’s growth. We will ask questions to understand you and your business better. If we are a fit, great. If we are not a fit, we are happy to refer you to resources or other great colleagues to help you with this stage of growth.

To find out more on Megan and her team’s approach, click the button below.

Where to start?

You have a great foundation.

It’s time for new ways

of the team working together.

It’s time for a new solution to growth

Signature Program

Values-in-Action Framework

MWC Signature Program for increasing performance across your team.

Your business started with customers loving you, the founder. And the business continued to grow with a great team of people. Culture is critical. Investing in defining your culture and putting resources in place to support your people is important for sustained growth and enjoyment.

When it’s time to improve and create consistent performance across all roles, all departments, it is time to define your culture and strengthen it. Our signature program helps you to define and integrate your business’ culture and values across your team.

“Megan has a great ability to dissect issues
and ask questions
so that a solution becomes apparent.”

Want to get a feel - check out these


Check out the tools and templates linked above to take your next step forward.

More tools available on the Tools webpage and the Newsletter webpage.