Values - in - action
Strengthen your team
A great team is the start of something special. Consistency is key; consistency across team members, consistency in all interactions.
You may have defined a list of values for the organization and that’s great too. There is a stacking process to making them real - setting expectations, reinforcing the values, adjusting and promoting those that live the values. Defining your values and the system for reinforcing them makes them consistent in all the moments, internal and external.
You see the smile on clients’ faces when you or someone great on your team has made a difference. Strengthening your company values is strengthening all aspects of the business. It can feel overwhelming to work on something intangible. Lean in to the growth opportunity of working on the area that will have tangible benefits for your clients, your team and you. You can be present in all the little and big moments without physically being there. Give your team strength and agility in their decision making. That frees up your time and mental-emotional energy for growing the business and your impact.
Without meaningful values
It’s not just about hiring ‘great’ people or delivering ‘great’ customer service. That’s not special. That’s oversimplifying how you do what you do. The values of your brand are the special-ness. Bringing those out by making it clear how to live the values day-to-day makes the difference. People want to live the values more. They want clarity on expectations. They want the how.
Creating clarity & common language
Great results
Great performance and great results are more than great leadership. Keep working on your leadership skills AND be a smart leader by having the tools and systems to empower your people to their best.
If you asked your team…
‘what are our organizational values'?’
…how many of your employees could answer?
Think it might be time?
Check out our Values-in-Action Program for more information on our small-group program to increase performance across your team and create more freedom for you to focus on growth initiatives.
Or fill out the form below to ask a question or schedule a 20-minute call so we can match your business and goals with the right program or readiness work to prepare for a program.
“We think in generalities, but we live in detail”
- Alfred North Whitehead