When to…2 types of learning

An idea that has been solidified for me is that there can be a time for exploring, messy, curiousity learning AND a time for intentional, focused, action-oriented learning.

Action-oriented learning is for times like goal planning, skill development or as part of a project delivery. It sounds obvious when to do that style of learning but there are some topics that I find start off as curiousity time then change to a goal…but it’s not clear when you are in the midst of it. Reflecting on this past year and preparing for next year, this has been an idea that I’ve been bringing awareness to which type of learning I am in any moment: curiousity vs action-oriented.

The first is easier to do and enjoy. It comes naturally. The second can be trickier to make the shift from curious learning to action-oriented learning.

As I look at plans for next year and setting up my planners, tools, etc., I am looking at how to enable easy switching from one style of learning to the other and creating triggers to move from one style of learning :)