It’s easy as a business owner or earlier as an entrepreneur-to-be to feel guilt about not doing all the things. Many businesses start and take off because the idea is GREAT. You are not an anomaly that your business took off despite not having it all figured out. Businesses take off everyday that do NOT have a complete business plan or because all the marketing and operations are figured out. The core of who you are and what you started was enough that the business took off. As the business has grown, things like marketing, finances, operational efficiencies and more were dabbled with and improved. Kinda logical, right…
Yet ideas of what a ‘good’ business owner looks like remain - that all parts of the business need to be great before being a good business owner. This guilt clouds one’s ability to see the path.
I have seen many businesses and all are strong in a few areas. Growing, learning and improving comes in stages. Just like crawling to walking to running to finishing a marathon, progress happens in stages. Being better than yesterday means knowing today’s stage. It means knowing which part of the business needs extra focus right now and working consistently at that.
We all know this however the little guilt from ideas formed years ago, lingers on. I share this 1:1 with people and I share it here for you. You are killing it! Don’t wait to think of yourself as a good business owner until all the things are figured out. You already are. The things that helped you get this far, will remain. Leaning into a new area can feel off-balance. Lean in to the growth and learning of it. It’s a new stage that you are ready for and you need to grow your business.