Sept 23rd is 100 days until the end of the year AND the beginning of 2021!
I like fun ‘challenges’, ‘goals’, ‘resolutions’, etc. It can seem silly or arbitrary from the surface to some. To me, it can be that extra oomph in going after something we want. Or it can help us focus on an area enough that to make progress. Forget past challenges, goals, resolutions, etc. attempts. The negative energy of that is not welcome now. Don’t judge what happened before. We are different than before. We learn. We grow. We are in a different time right now that might be all the right factors combined for a 100 day challenge on that area and to see progress and progress that lasts.
2020 has been a weird, challenging year for everyone. Everyone. Even the most positive thinking, can-do people have not been immune to 2020 throwing a wrench in plans and goals and moods. If it feels right, do something for the last 100 days. Right now, it feels like a changing of energy going on right now with a lot of people. Build on that! It could be a great time to do a 100 day challenge in one area to really focus on something important and give it that extra kick to make it exciting, a little more challenging (stretch goal) and to round out 2020 on a high note.
So decide if Wednesday is the start of your 100 day challenge to ________.