The Right Clients

The right clients make a world of difference. You are authentic and you want the right clients.

More And Less

It’s a numbers game but not a numbers game. It’s important to connect with more and more people to find the people that are truly in need of your product/service/offering. Through this, you find your ‘true fans’ and get valuable insights to improve this product or future products. Entrepreneurs throw stuff together, figure it out (enough) and get it out there. This is tough for people that like to do well and succeed. You likely have both an Entrepreneur side and a Perfection side.

To take more action and connect with more people, shift the balance:

MORE of your entrepreneur side (the side that makes things happen)


LESS of your perfection side (the side that slows things down)

Getting more clients comes from connecting with the right people in the right way.

Finding your people takes consistency

Kevin Kelley wrote a key article: ‘1,000 True Fans’. It is about finding those people that are absolutely delighted by what you do. They will see you through good times and bad times. They will line up to buy from you. Focusing on your core people and trialing products with them is the way to get the feedback you need to help them AND to serve even more people.

It can happen sooner. It takes intention and consistency.

Create consistency

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Smart with the time you invest

Setting a tracker is being committed to your business. Setting goals for regularly connecting with people and tracking learnings will move you forward. Stay focused yet open: focused on finding a solution for the people you are serving yet open in designing and refining your offering.

It is a numbers game but it is not a numbers game.

It’s not about asking anyone and everyone. It’s about the people that most want your business and connecting with them in a meaningful way. Connect with as many of them as you can. Great insights will come from that group of people - both when they buy and when they don’t buy.

“The way to get started is to quit talking and

start doing.”

- Walt Disney