Monthly newsletter for ideas -> action
We’re excited to share new tools, templates and other great stuff to help you and your team.
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Latest newsletter
Inconsistent performance? Templates can help.
Templates create focus, simplify, speed up and increase quality. This newsletter speaks to the importance of templates and highlights a few that your team can put into use today for consistent performance and to move from planning to action quicker.
Check-out the Tools page for tools your team can take action on today! The Tools page is undergoing a refresh so check out the today’s tools and stay tuned.
Previous newsletters
New options for new results.
For Stage 3 businesses, Marketing is a central challenge. There is a difference between skill sets needed for execution for strategy. This newsletter provides options for getting the support you need for each type of skillset.
Define your central challenge differently. (Workbook included)
This stage of growth for your business has 2-3 key challenges to it. Within that, there is one central challenge for you to focus on to leap results forward while creating a strong foundation for the next stage.
What stage of growth is your business?[xxxxxx]/use-your-business-stage-to-go-faster
Action Goals for Junior-Intermediate Staff: Putting your big business Results Goals into exciting goals for your team to act on consistently day after day
Concept-in-Action: Simplify your list to find more time for that big challenge in your business that needs YOUR time now as your business enters that next stage of growth
Concept-in-Action: KANBAN in 1 Week to focus the team on the most important for this quarter
Tool: Agile research and project planning with a Plan-on-1-Page
Tool: Progression Chart for that key role/ department:
Concept-in-Action: The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace
Tool: Strategy-on-1-Page to live your strategy to everyday
Tool: ‘We are scientists’[UNIQID]
‘Welcome to this 1st’ Newsletter
Question? Challenge you are facing?
We are excited to deliver tools and templates directly to your mailbox.
We are NEW to newsletters and look forward to delivering ongoing support to you (established entrepreneurs) in this way.
Please email us with anything you want to see in the newsletter or website. Whether it is a specific ask or a general idea or problem, we want to hear it!