Progression chart

When it is time to create a vision for a key department

Growing a department

You have a department that will be essential for your business’ growth. Growing the team means retaining the people that have been with you, growing their capabilities and bringing in new team members.

How do you create a vision for a department?

It starts with getting clear on the key capabilities that they need to develop. Below is a progression chart for identifying and sequencing capabilities that build on one another.

Creating a clear path

You may have experience inconsistent performance in the past from this department. They are used to working in a certain way and focusing on what is directly in front of them. They may focus their time and energy on tasks that are comfortable.

To continue to grow the business, you need them to take smart risks. You need them to think in new ways to grow the customer experience and attract new customers.

Creating a clear path for them can help confirm the capabilities that they have and create a vision for why the uncomfortable capabilities are needed to progress in their role, progress in their department and to support the business’ growth.

What you want & What you have

You may be used to job descriptions that focus on what you need today. A Progression Chart focuses on today and the future.

A Progression Chart identifies key competencies for today and tomorrow. These competencies build on each other. For example in marketing, it’s often more important to have time management skills and technical abilities on social media and other marketing platforms before strategic thinking in marketing.

This approach focuses skill development and creates a compelling reason to focus on 2-3 competencies/skills now. This combined with other tools make it easier for a new key department to know where to focus their time and deliver deliberate results.

Download the chart to start drafting the competencies that you know this department and a key person in your business needs now and tomorrow.

Leaders are visionary

Setting a vision for a key area

sets you & your team members free

Start where you are today

Before hiring someone new for this area, begin by thinking of the competencies that are needed today and tomorrow for the business to grow. What competencies have been missing? What competencies will be needed to excel in the future?

This Progression Chart is one part of a system that will set up a new key role for success. If you want to achieve your next stage of growth with more enjoyment and consistency, let’s chat.

“Motivation gets you going &

habit gets you there.”

- Zig Ziglar